MAIPk spend RM 1.33 million for the treasury of Education Scholarship Scheme for poor students
UPSR 2016 shows outstanding achievement among children of Asnaf Fakir and Miskin where about 83 students received MAIPk baitulmal lessons scholarships year 2017 setting up to 3A to 6A academic credentials to qualify for the aid.
Since 2012 in the implementation of this scheme, MAIPk spent a total of RM 1.33 million which involves the administration of Form 1 to Form 5.
The scheme also shows an enhance of the effectiveness of the administration of Zakat funds to children's learning and achievement of 6 asnaf children who excelled in SPM 2016.
2 students, Nurul Husna Binti Abdul Basir and Hakim Mohammed Bin Ahmad have 7A, 3 students, Iffa Hafizza Noor binti Zakaria, Nur Sabrina Binti Binti Mohd Zahidi and Norazlin Muhiddin've 6A, and 5A, Asyiqin Nurul binti Haji Yusuf.