Workshop Preparation for Land Monitoring Meeting MAIPk
KAMPAR, 20 Januari 2017 - Management Division and Mal & Waqf Development Division (BPPMW) MAIPk held a workshop for MAIPk Land Monitoring Meeting, first for the second time in 2017. The workshop was held from 18 to 20 January 2017, at The Lake of Sahom Valley.
 The participants are BPPMW General Manager, 8 of PBD and 11 of District Property PT, and 7 of the MAIPk Property Development Unit. The objective is to provide exposure to all the PBD and District Property PT staff regarding MPT MAIPk new issues bookkeeping methods.
In addition, the workshop discussed the MAIPk Property Development Unit "KPI" to identify as much as 85 new issues. The program also aims to improve the relationship bonding between MAIPk staff through various programss that have been planned.