Work Visit Johor Religious Council To Islamic Religious and Malay Customs Perak
Ipoh, October 31, 2016 - Perak Islamic Religious Council & Malay Customs has received a visit from a group of Johor Islamic Religious Council, Dr. Amiruddin bin Muhamed, CEO of MAIPk have welcoming delegation led by Amin Baitulmal Johor Bahru, Ustaz Haji Zulkiflie bin Mohamad and attended by 35 officers and MAIJ staff.
The work visit was aimed at sharing expertise and information related to the management of Zakat and Waqf in Perak. In addition, the delegation also visited MAIPk beneficiaries capital that manages the business of making wooden furniture. MAIJ entourage then proceeded to visit Pangkor Island to visit Middle School of TAHFIZ Darul Ridzuan, Pangkor.